Tuesday, June 9, 2015

10 Do's for Successful Camping

10.   DO cherish the time with your family:  it's not recommended to hide from them, in the woods, until it's time to leave

9.   DO enjoy roasting marshmallows to your heart's content:  counting carbs can wait for another day

8.   DO invest in a festive beer cozy:  this can tell a lot about you and you certainly don't want a warm beer

7.   DO use sticks for a variety of purposes:  enjoy this while you can, you will be viewed as a crazy person if you use them at home

6.   DO be open to meeting great people:  you may just find your 5th cousin, twice removed

5.   DO join in on campground fun and games:  you never know when you might win the coveted ice cream sandwich or popsicle prize

4.   DO wear a shirt, men:  with the exception of the pool area, let's keep those beer bellies under wraps

3.   DO bring boardgames and cards:  nothing beats the insanity of a rainy day better than a long bout of Monopoly     
2.   DO take a lot of pictures:  you never know when you'll need photographic proof of a crazy hairdo or tipsy spouse 


1.   DO make lasting memories:  take them with you and cherish them for a lifetime!

Happy Travels ~ Sara

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